You are to write the interpreter of the very simple language. Language works with 4 variables: a, b, c and d Initially all the variables have value 0. There're four oparetions: arg1 = arg2 Where arg1 is a variable name and arg2 is either variable name or the constant. arg1 += arg2 arg1 -= arg2 Where arg1 is a variable name and arg2 is either variable name or the constant. and, finally ang1 *= arg2 Where arg1 is a variable name and arg2 is cosntant (arg2 is never a variable name) Also, there are loops. To describe a loop first you have a command loop n Where n is constant, then list of commands which you want to execute in the loop, and finally command 'end'. For example, the following code will calculate the sum of the first 11 elements of the geometric progression: a = 1 b = 1 loop 10 a *= 3 b += a end You need to implement the interpreter, which will execute the given code and calculate the final value of each variable Input data specification: Input file contains code to be executed, each command is described on a separate line, there's always exactly one space between any arguments and operators, there are no trailing or leading spaces. Output data specification Follow the sample output format Sample input 1: a = 1 b = 1 loop 2 a *= 3 b += a end Sample output 1: a = 9 b = 13 c = 0 d = 0 Note to sample 1: This code calculates sum of geometric progression. See the fourth problem from this contest for more information Sample input 2: a = 1 b = 1 loop 5 c = a c += b a = b b = c c = 0 end Sample output 2: a = 8 b = 13 c = 0 d = 0 Note to sample 2: This code calculates fibonacci numbers. See the thirs problem from this contest for more information.