You are given two strings: S and Q. Let string Q has length L. Find all the positions Ai in string S such that for each i substring of S starting at position Ai with length L has exactly 1 differet letter with Q. For example, if string S is 'abcabdadcacd' and string Q is 'abc', than the answer is positions 4, as substring 'abd' has exactly one different letter with Q, and 7, as substring 'adc' has exactly one different letter with Q. Position 1 does not belong to answer as 'abc' has no different letters with Q, and position 10 doesn't belong to answer as 'acd' has two different letters (position of the letters matters in this problem) Input data specification First string of the file contains number of test cases T. Then for each of T cases there're two lines. First line contains string S and second line contains string Q. Output data specification For each test case produce one line of output with space separated list of positions. If there are no such positions produce empty line for such a test case. Constrains: 1 <= Lenght of S <= 300000 1 <= Length of Q <= Length of S Both string consist only of lowercase english letters and digits Sample input: 2 abcabdadcacd abc sample2 sample3 Sample output: 4 7 1